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Changes to Senior School Leadership

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As a growing school it is important from time to time to specialise in the roles of leadership.

Both Mr Young and Mrs Bessant will continue to be our Deputy Principals in 2018.

I have asked Mr Renshaw to take more leadership of the Senior School day to day programs.  He will be the Head of Senior School in 2018.  Mr Renshaw is well known and highly regarded by our College community.

The change will allow Mr Young to further implement and develop some of our whole College initiatives, including:. 

  1. The programs to take place as part of the new Physical and Education Centre and Oval including the increasing number of TAP Programs;
  2. The growth of our Creative Arts Program will be given a much more dedicated space in our present John Lambert Auditorium;
  3. The emerging Global Education Program given the addition of new overseas excursions that will now take place and;
  4. The growth of the Vocational Education Program, which will cater for an increasing number of students who aspire to do an apprenticeship given that the south west of Sydney continues to develop. 

Mr Renshaw will have greater leadership of our Learning and Teaching programs in the Senior School and more of the detail around the day-to-day programs for students.

You should feel free to direct your questions or concerns to either Mr Renshaw or Mr Young.  Their roles will continue to emerge during the year.  Thanks for your understanding of such a change. 

Ross Whelan