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Comfort in Cushions

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Stage 4 Textiles were given the design brief to design and produce a cushion cover to add interest and compliment an existing room. The cushion cover needed be an appropriate size and include unique decorations, which makes a statement about the owner and allows the cushion cover to complement its surroundings. Students were asked to use 2 (two) forms of fabric decoration when constructing the cushion cover. Their design needed to be eye catching and aesthetically pleasing.

Year 7 and 8 Textiles Students rose to the challenge of designing and producing a cushion cover to add interest and compliment an existing room. Year 7 and 8 Textiles students displayed great skill and creativity when developing and producing their ideas. Their end products were very pleasing. In addition to designing and producing their cushion covers, some students participated in an extension activity to applique and Christmas related design onto a bag to make a Christmas stocking. This activity made use of their developed skills in applique, seams and hems.


Well done Years 7 and 8 and Merry Christmas,

Mrs Bull