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From the Principal

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From the Principal

Principal Ross Whelan
Mr Ross Whelan
2018 Kindergarten students had their orientation yesterday!

Our College hosted the 2018 Kindergarten children and their parents yesterday in the annual orientation ahead of the new year.  What a great day we all enjoyed … and perhaps the most anxious were the mums and dads as they contemplated the future of their growing young people.  Mrs Bessant spoke to a full house in the Junior Library about the joys and challenges ahead; the need to have more conversations with our young people, whether in the car while waiting in the traffic or around the dinner table at night time as a family.  She brought a warm confidence for parents as they continue to understand this new stage of learning for their little ones.

At another part of the College, Year 12 students attempted the Legal Studies, and Society & Culture examinations, and as the 2017 HSC comes to a conclusion early next week, we are looking forward to the aspirations and dreams of our 17 and 18 year olds being fulfilled in the coming years.  HSC parents have survived another major challenge of the learning years.

We love the journey through the school age years here at Thomas Hassall.  It’s a most rewarding experience to work with young people and their families from Prep through to Year 12.  Teachers and staff see the joys and the challenges; the testing and the achievements across every stage, and for the most part, children grow into young adults who are able to take on the changing and exciting world around them.  Certainly there is more that can be improved, and the innovations will continue to test us out, whether in technology or new curriculum or social reforms.  In this a learning community that has the Christian gospel at its centre, we have an expectation and a focus on care and compassion; on the development of God-given gifts being recognised and developed – and tested.  We love to engage with families and the wider community and we want young people to serve others in the broader global society.  We sense that optimism about life and the future across the College – our students and staff, our families and our supporters.  Thanks for being part of us.

The new Physical Education Centre and Oval is quickly turning into reality, with May 2018 our target for lessons and play.  Our director of the project Mr Warren Murray brings the latest news and photos for your information later in the newsletter. Take a drive around the boundary to see the progress for yourself.  Our existing top sports field will also undergo some renovation, and we intend to convert the existing Maintenance facility into a new sports and fitness centre with the latest machines and equipment.  We hope to add additional athletics spaces including a sprint track and long jump run-ups beside the top oval.  It’s an exciting project.

Enjoy the stories and news of the College in the pages ahead.  Talk to us about your questions and concerns.  Thanks for your continued support.

Ross Whelan

‘Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’  Joshua 1:9