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Exam Preparation - Starting the Conversation

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As Term 3 comes to a close, our students will be looking forward to enjoying their holiday break.

Particularly with Years 7-10 exams commencing in Term 4. This can be a stressful time for students and, as school community, we aim to support them as they begin their exams. Earlier in the year our students were given the opportunity to enhance or develop their study skills through the Elevate study skills program.

As parents, there are many different ways that you can support your child to be prepared for the exam period. It is very normal for students to feel overwhelmed by the amount of study they need to do, and as a result students often put off studying until closer to the exam time. This can often increase students stress levels as the amount of study material can increase and begin to feel insurmountable. Approaching studying in ‘bite sized pieces’ is a more effective approach.

A good place to start is by knowing what you don’t know, having a plan, and then gathering the necessary resources or support. We would like to encourage you to start this conversation with your child over the holiday break. This way they can begin thinking about the exam period and get prepared early. This will help to decrease their stress levels as exam week approaches. Here are some recommendations of questions you can ask your child to get the conversation started:

Looking back on your mid-year exams, what are some things you think worked for you, and what are some things you wish you had done differently?

What is your plan for you to be prepared for your exams next term?
What support would you like from me in this exam period?
What subjects are you feeling confident in, and which ones are you worried about?
What do you think you need to do to feel confident for all of your subjects?
What are the topics that are going to be examined?

It is normal for your child to not have the answers to your questions, and that is something that you can work on together. Once they know what they don’t know, they are better positioned to ask the right questions in class and seek the support they need. 

Sarah Sewell
Psychologist - Senior School