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Online Pornography

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What are your views on Pornography?

Online Pornography

What are your views on Pornography? Would you like for your child’s views,  about sex, to be informed by their peers or pornography? What is the best age to start this conversation? How do you start this conversation? If you want answers to all these questions and more continue reading.

Access to online devices is making it easier for your children to engage with pornography, both by choice and inadvertently. Some parents are having to tackle these difficult topics with kids as young as 11 and most parents feel ill-equipped to do so. SchoolTV can assist parents in having these awkward conversations and help protect the innocence of your children.

From a young age, parents should be continuously educating their children on sex and sexuality with age-appropriate information and monitoring their responses. What kids are seeing online distorts their idea of sexuality and intimacy. Unfortunately, the internet is the number one sex educator for children. Porn can be addictive, like a drug. As the desire for more increases, the brain becomes warped about what is real.

Together, parents and schools have a crucial role to play in minimising the negative effects of online pornography on adolescents.

To find out more, go to

Source: SchoolTV