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Budding readers wanted

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The race is on to find the best readers at Thomas Hassall Anglican College.

Year 7 to 10 students are invited to participate in September to Readember, a reading challenge which will see major and runner-up prizes awarded to the best two readers from each year level.

Students will need to have a parent/guardian sign their Reading Challenge form after each reading session to qualify.

Prizes will also be awarded to the best readers from each Pastoral Care class. Prizes will also be given to the student who:

  • Reads the most classics
  • Reads the most books by Australian authors
  • Reads the widest range of book categories eg. fiction/non-fiction/graphic novel

At the end of each week, students will tally their total reading minutes and have the form signed by their English teacher or Library staff.

Books borrowed from the IRC earn DOUBLE the minutes. These borrowed books need to be noted on the Reading Challenge form.

The challenge is all about improving student's reading skills and we need the help of parents.

Our goal is to get students to read at least 30 minutes each afternoon in order to further improve their reading and comprehension skills. Studies have shown that increasing the amount you read as well as increasing the complexity of the novels read improves overall student performances. Certainly, the English Faculty would encourage students to read a wide variety of novels in order to improve their comprehension skills, vocabulary as well as increasing their understanding of ideas.

To enter students can download a form from Canvas, collect a form from the Library or the English Faculty.

If you have any questions please contact your student's English teacher, Mr Hughes the Faculty Co-ordinator of English or speak to the Library staff.

Find out more from your English teacher or Library staff.

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