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Wordmania is here

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Word Mania is here and the students are just loving it!

Our College Senior School is currently participating in a pilot online literacy program that is sweeping not just the nation but also the English-speaking world. This year, our pilot groups include English classes 7C, 8BR, 9BR, 9BB and all students currently on our Learning Support Multilit and Literacy Planet withdrawal programs. There will be three more rounds. We are out to win prizes and with your help we can do it.

What do our contestants do? Well, they make words from letters on a bright flashing online game. It's that simple and from an educational perspective, when our students are motivated, they learn.

Last week for Round 1 we came first in our region for Year 8 and 9, second nationally for Year 9 and seventh nationally for Year 8. Year 7 are still sitting at fourth in our region.

So, how can you help? If your student is enrolled in our pilot program, encourage them to log in at home and play away. The more words we make, the more we boost our literacy and the more fun we can have.

Please contact me, Mrs Julie Smythe, at Learning Support if you have any questions.