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Market Day a College First

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This term, Year 9 Commerce have been learning about running their own businesses. They will be holding a market day in Week 5 to further help them understand how to be entrepreneurs.

In group, the students created a business stall and have been given individual roles of responsibility. For example, Finance Manager, Operational Manager, Marketing Director, Product Research Manager, Marketing Director and a CEO

Each student invests in their own business with the goal to make a profit. However, they have to pay taxes according to the services provided, such as a school resource tax for using our land, and reimburse product costs and give a return to investors. Profits made will go to a charity chosen by Year 9 Commerce classes.

During class, students have been studying the elements of a business plan. They have considered their choice of  product to sell, their business name, costings of running a stall and all the organisational challenges of running a business. Year 9 Commerce will be selling edible goods starting from $2. Chocolate covered strawberries, Sarah Lee choc cake, Krispy Kreme, ice cream sandwiches, fairy floss, waffles and much more will be sold. At the end of the market day process the students are to  to write a report about how their  business performed, their performance on the day will be judged by their teachers and a range of mystery shoppers.

The stalls will be running on Wednesday 16 August so make sure you bring your cash at lunchtime and watch this space for more photos of the amazing stalls.

Year9MarketDayPrepartions2017 (17).JPG

One of our advertising posters