What subjects will I choose to study as I move into Year 9 and Year 11 and 12?
It is also an exciting time for the History department as we sit down and map out 2018 and beyond with the brand new, hot off the press, Stage 6 Ancient and Modern History Syllabi.
Moving into 2018, we will be venturing down the exciting path of ‘Power and Image in Ancient Rome’, ‘New Kingdom Egypt’, ‘Power and Authority in the Modern World’ (this one is very exciting) and dipping our toe into new and exciting studies of China and the modern world.
At the conclusion of Term 2 we sat down as a team for the day, planned new units of work, fantastic new assessments and received training in the exciting new syllabus. What stood out was a renewed emphasis on allowing the past to shape our understanding of the world we live in and the world we are creating.
There is much happening in the world today that can be explained only by the past and there is much happening in the world today that will shape the world our students are walking into.
What better way to prepare ourselves for the world of today and of tomorrow than by studying History. We will see you in 2018!