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Year 8 Geography Excursion

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This term Year 8 Geography have been learning about landforms and processes that created them.

We had the opportunity to see a range of landforms during our recent visit to Mt Kiera where students were able to try a range of field instruments which are not available at the College.

The focus of the visit was how the landforms influence the ecosystems and students carried out a range of field investigations to see how soil and vegetation differed depending on the kind of underlying landform. For example students looked at the differences at the top and the bottom of escarpments in terms of the tree type and height. We used a range of technical equipment to test soils, measure tree height and check tree cover. 

yr 8 mt kiera Tree height.JPG

tree height
Students measuring the tree height.

We also had the opportunity to practice Geography skills such as drawing field sketches and just spend time enjoying God's creation. For many students, a highlight for them was the bushwalk from the top to the base of the hill. Some students had never been on a bushwalk before and they really enjoyed it. Hopefully this will inspire some more students to get out into nature with their families at the weekends.

The students enjoyed seeing some of the landforms they have been learning about in class and meeting fieldworkers and trying all the new equipment. They really enjoyed the day.