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Year 12 Study Camp

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Year 12 Study Camp – Reflections from students

On February 6-8, 2023, Year 12 students attended a day-program Study Camp at College. Here, our College Vice Captains report and reflect on their experiences:

“As a whole, this experience was a great way to ensure our grade knew how to work together in order to succeed in the HSC, not only for ourselves but for each other. 

Working together can look different in many ways. For our grade, we worked together through listening quietly to lectures and respecting each other's learning,  quietly studying without distracting the people around us, cooking and serving for each other.

We were lucky enough to travel to an ice rink on day 2 of the camp. This is where I personally saw the most teamwork. Hearing from our grade, ice skating was something new for most of us, much like the HSC! We all learnt how to skate together much like we will learn to cope with workload and stress together. 

I am very proud of our grade for taking part in this experience with so much enthusiasm and hard work!

Finally, we were fortunate enough to also hear from God's word over the three days. Each day a new teacher spoke to us about their personal connection to the Lord as well as their path that led them to being a child of God. I believe these devotions were heard on a deeper level than ever before. Looking around in the IRC while everyone listened quietly was so lovely and I hope we can come together as a grade again to share our experiences, and get to know each other further. 

Thank you to all the teachers and staff involved in this experience. It was extremely beneficial and I hope it continues for many years and grades to come.” – Holly F

“I had found this New Year 12 study camp at school super helpful, it almost resembled a reset for all my studies, with the private study sessions, I was able to complete all of my outstanding holiday work. Additionally, in the midst of studying, my year advisors were able to organise an amazing ice skating event that led to really funny moments with my friends. The biggest eye-opening experience I saw was the mental health seminar with Mr Cleur, it really challenged the way I had thought and made me realise that everyone is experiencing the same things I am, for that I’m grateful and can openly sympathise and let those around me know if anything is an issue. Thank you so much, this camp definitely has been a blast.” – Tien D 

“Thanks to our wonderful Year Advisors, Mrs Sutcliffe and Mr Mills, as well as PC teachers, Mr Broadbent and other staff, Study Camp for Year 12 proved to be a great opportunity to not only learn and develop good study habits in an engaging way, but also allowed us to solidify relationships and our Year 12 community. I believe our cohort engaged well with the provided seminars and resources. With allocated time for private study sessions, we were then able to properly apply the skills that we had learnt in the previous seminar. Our camp also involved ice skating on Tuesday, where we laughed and stepped out of our comfort zones. We also had a campus-wide, Capture the Flag game organised by the House Captains, that invited lots of friendly competition and team building. 

Once again, a massive thank you to our amazing Year Advisors and all staff that were involved in the planning and execution of this great camp. Thank you for all your tireless efforts to make Study Camp the best it could be.” – Eliana S

Year 12 camp

Mr Samuel Mills and Mrs Catherine Sutcliffe
Year 12 Advisors