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Year 10 Elective Music

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Taking the everyday, making it extra special in Music

Year 10 Music have been experimenting with sampled sounds – that is, recording everyday sounds from around their homes and using these as the basis for composition. We discovered that sampled sounds that had a strong sense of rhythm made for the best starting point. Students were given the option to record additional layers using instruments they had at home, or make use of pre-recorded loops. It is interesting to hear how vastly different each composition is and how highly creative the students are.

Tom S recorded the coffee machine from his kitchen and then created an entire piece out of that sound using Cakewalk software. Tom recorded each individual track on this recording using instruments from home. It is titled ‘The Coffee Song’. 


Rashmi L recorded her printer, a microwave and a pencil case as her sample and she played the keyboard part. Rashmi used the program BandLab to create her piece. 


Petar L enjoys playing golf, so he recorded himself in the backyard bouncing a golf ball with a golf club – seeing how long he could keep the ball bouncing. This made an interesting rhythm which became the basis for his composition. Petar improvised with his saxophone to create a melody and also added synth to his piece. It is titled ‘Smooth Swings’. His whole piece lasts for 6 minutes - this is a 2 minute excerpt.


Josh C used the clicking of a ballpoint pen as the rhythmic basis for his composition. He then added a rubber band as well as other instrumental layers. Josh used his guitar to improvise over the top of these layers.


We hope you enjoy listening to these compositions. Well done students for thinking ‘out of the box’ for this creative composition activity!

Mrs Elizabeth Ford
Music Teacher - Creative Arts