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Year 10 Elective Music

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With events and social gatherings returning, it was fantastic to be able to host a special performance evening for our Year 10 Elective Music class.

Mrs Ford and her very talented class of musicians, presented a variety of songs and instrumental pieces representing their recent study topic of ‘Theatre Music’. The event not only showcased their amazing abilities, but also freshly cooked soup prepared by the MRK canteen team for all visiting parents and staff, student MC throughout the concert, and a very special performance by Mrs Ford herself! One of the highlights of the evening was when every student in the class performed together in a singing item. It was beautiful to see all students sing together, and showcase the power of the voice and the rich harmonies and blend of individual voices to create a full choral sound. Well done to all the performers, Mr Clisdell and the tech crew, the canteen staff, and Mrs Ford for creating a unique and special event for our students to showcase their art, and an opportunity for them to refine their craft.

‘Last night was such a good experience that I feel brought everybody closer together. It was so much fun I didn't want the night to end.’ Cynthia N

The Year 10 Performance Evening was a fantastic night! It was full of great performances amongst a warm audience of friends, families and teachers where we could demonstrate our achievements throughout the year. Many students were performing in different styles that they had never attempted before and were warmly welcomed and performed brilliantly!’ Josh C

‘Last night was a really special experience that really got each and every one of us to push ourselves and perform in front of an older audience due to the huge support that we all received.’ Tahlia K

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles