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Year 1 is Feeling a bit Under the Weather

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This term Year One have been looking at weather in our integrated program.

We have learnt about the water cycle and tricky words like evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. Some of us were able to make water cycle bags where we could see the water cycle in action. We also learnt about how precipitation is not just rain, but can be hail, snow or sleet as well. As one of our activities, we were able to make rain gauges to measure the amount of rainfall at Thomas Hassall in the second half of the term. Unfortunately we fell victim to evaporation on those very hot days so our results did not go to plan. We also looked at erosion and how the wind and waves (and people) change the surface of the earth over time.

God created the water cycle and many other systems to sustain his world. What an amazing God!

“The heavens declare the glory of the Lord; the skies proclaim the work of his hands” Psalm 19:1

Ashleigh Hackfath
Junior School Teacher - Stage 1 - Year 1A