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Writing Competition

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What is it? A writing competition open to ALL students, Prep to 6. Students enter under their name, grade and HOUSE.

Points will be awarded to the students’ houses for every person who enters.

When is it? The writing competition will open from Monday the 20th of June and close on Friday the 29th of July.

Students will be given one or two lessons to work on their entry in class time, but any final editing or corrections will need to be done at home.

Theme: Belonging. Please include the idea of belonging or wanting to belong somewhere in the story. Prep, Kinder and Year 1 will be provided with images to give them prompts if they wish to use them.

Submissions: Students may submit a creative writing piece (narrative or poem). It needs to be submitted on A4 paper.

Entries must be labelled with the student’s first and last names, class and HOUSE. The entry must be legible (at an age-appropriate level). Students must submit their own work. It must be original, and not previously awarded any prizes in other writing competitions. Parents and teachers may help with basic editing before the story is submitted, but not write the text for the student.

Entries will be chosen from every grade to be published in a Thomas Hassall Magazine! A winning entry from each grade will also receive a mystery (book-related) prize!

Questions to [email protected]

Alex Saville
Gifted and Talented Liaison for the Junior School