The following teams have been successful in gaining a place in the IPSSO Winter Finals on Wednesday 19 September:
- Junior Boys Soccer, Senior Boys Soccer
- Junior AFL, Senior AFL
- Junior Newcombe Ball and Senior Mod. Volleyball
- Junior Netball
- Junior Tee-ball
Unfortunately our Senior Netball and Senior Softball placed 3rd in the Northern pool and do not progress to the finals series.
Games will be held on Wednesday 19 September at the following venues:
Netball, Newcombe Ball and Volleyball and Tee-ball- William Carey Christian School, Bumbera St Preston
AFL – Greenway Park, Greenway Drive Carnes Hill
Soccer - Hoxton Park Reserve, Wilson Rd Hinchinbrook
We wish all our Winter IPSSO teams the very best as they represent the College this week!
Mrs Sharon Evans
P - 6 Sports Coordinator