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Wellbeing Matters

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Save the date - important event for all parents and carers

The College is embarking on a new initiative that will support you and your child’s Wellbeing.

We are seeking to be more proactive in partnering with you in this critical area.

‘Wellbeing Matters’ will occur three to four times a year with a focus on important matters about your child’s wellbeing.

We are looking to address a number of emerging issues with the aim of helping to inform and equip you and to enhance your child’s wellbeing.

The first event targets an area that is an ever increasing challenge and issue for a significant number of young people.

The issue is Online Pornography. Unfortunately the statistics around online pornography are alarming.

Most parents feel overwhelmed about how to have a conversation with their children or about where to start to prevent access or exposure.

Come and hear from James Grady of The Frank Chat who has worked in pastoral roles in schools for 10 years.

He has seen the harm that can occur and has equipped students, parents and staff to raise awareness and help people to live pornography-free lives.

This session will cover:

• Current research on exposure
• Current research on the harm
• Why young people habitually view
• Managing technology in the home
• Parenting strategies
• Resources for parents and children
• Your questions (any questions!)

Thomas Hassall Anglican College is offering this session free of charge to all our families and friends.  

Please go to  to book your tickets to attend.

Thursday 14 September, 7.30pm The Anne Marsden Centre. Ample parking available.

This parent information evening is a must for all parents, no matter the age of your children.