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Virtual Reality meets career exploration…

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VR is not a new technology; however, it is newly applied in careers real…

VR allows career explorations and another tool to add to our ‘careers tool box’ to assist with the hard work ahead in choosing a career.

In the past, students explored potential careers through work experience, part-time work, asking family, staff and others, researching courses, associated salary and perhaps what the future job prospects look like.

I spoke with all Year 10, 11 and 12 recently about careers and the need to have a Plan A, B and C. I also shared that according to research the average Australian worker switches a career six times changes in their working life. At the end of the day, if students are indecisive or completely unsure of what to do, even after discussing with family, staff or the careers advisor, it is simply this- do something rather than nothing...

Did you know that research indicates that 70% of Australian’s feeling less than satisfied with their current career and that 75% of all Australian university graduates reportedly don’t end up in a career directly related to their chosen degree?

If your child is interested, the new Career VR headsets will be located in the Senior School IRC Library for Years 7 to 12.

We have many resources available at Thomas Hassall Anglican College including a Careers website

Mr Steve Moynan
Director of Vocational Pathways & Careers