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Upcoming Author Visits for the Junior School in 2019

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We are very fortunate to have secured some very popular Australian authors to come and talk to the students about their books.  Some of these authors will run writing workshops which the children will participate in.  This will develop or increase their love of reading and ignite a passion for writing. 

Exciting news - Upcoming author visits to Thomas Hassall Anglican College

The following authors will be coming to our College:

Max Remy, Super Spy series, Grimsdon and Teresa A New Australian. Year 5

Shoctopus, Poems to Grip You and a new picture book MoonFish. Years 2 and 3


Bobson Farm book series. Prep and Kindy



  • August 6th – Matt Cosgrove: Alpacas with Maracas, (the National Simultaneous Storytime book, 2018), Bears Don’t Bounce, Pigs Don’t Fly and Macca the Alpaca etc. Year 1

Mrs Emma Harris
Coordinator for Years 1, 2 and 3