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Tappei Yoshikawa helps the LOTE Faculty

Tappei Yoshikawa, a 19 year old university student from Osaka Japan, has joined Miss Raft, Mr Williams and Mrs Byrne in the LOTE Faculty, mainly in Japanese classes. Tappei is studying English and Italian and currently works at a Japanese cram school as a tutor. 'Cram school' or juku as it is known in Japan, is like a second school. Students who are sitting for Junior High School, Senior High School or University entrance exams, attend juku to 'cram' more learning in. Tappei is on a 'working holiday' for a month while on a break from study.

Students at Thomas Hassall Anglican College have embraced having a Japanese native speaker in our midst and are enjoying having conversations with him in Japanese and English about all sorts of things. Recently Tappei helped 8AB Japanese with some speaking tasks they were preparing and recording in class.

Tappei will be with us until the end of Week 9 this term. If you see him around, please say '"G'day".