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Students eggstatic over arrival

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There is new life hatching in Year 1.

This term, students in Year 1 have been learning about changes that occur around us in our families and in the animal world. As part of our studies, students focused on the incredible life cycle of chickens. For several weeks Year 1 kept a close eye on an incubator full of precious eggs, anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby chicks. On Wednesday 30 August the wait was over and an abundance of cheeping chicks hatched, much to the delight of our ecstatic, or ‘eggstatic’, students. Names were given to our newest Year 1 members, and love was adorned on them in the form of patting and holding!

Year 1 would like to extend a big thank you to Multiquip. This family owned and operated company generously donated their time, as well as supplied the incubator, eggs and various materials required to have these chicks live in our classroom.