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Senior Library Book Snap

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Looking for a new book similar to one you have loved? The IRC is here to help!

What’s new in the IRC?

Recommended Reading Guides – ‘What to read if you loved…’

Another fantastic new feature has been added to the IRC’s canvas page. Under the ‘Books and Reading’ section you will find a brand new recommended reading page ‘What to read if you loved…’ This is the perfect place to go if you need some advice or help in finding your next great read.

Here you will find images of popular and well loved books. By clicking on the image of one of these books you will be taken to a page detailing some similar books found in the Senior Library that you might enjoy. This is a quick and easy way to find something new to read that is like one you have loved in the past. Finding the perfect book has never been easier!

New books are being added all the time, make sure you check it out today!

For more information please speak to Mr Smith.