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Senior Assembly Performance

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This week saw another successful round of performances at our virtual College assembly.

The performances featured several of our Year 10 Elective Music students, under the direction of Miss Rapisarda. Sofia T and Natasha B performed ‘Count on Me’ by Bruno Mars in duet form, with both students multitasking; Sofia on vocals and shaker, and Natasha on piano and vocal harmonies. The second performance consisted of Taleah V, Tajahna T, Jessica A and Shantelle Q all on vocals, and Gabriel C on electric guitar, and they performed ‘Rise Up’ by Andra Day.

Well done to all performers for a fantastic effort at this new type of performance environment!

A big thank you also goes to our tech crew; Mr Clisdell, Mr Ford, Mr Stambe and Miss Popovic for making this opportunity a great experience for our student musicians.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles