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Reptiles Take Over Prep

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Ssssssssss SNAP SNAP!

Throughout the term, the children in Prep have been exploring and investigating reptiles. We have been learning that the reptiles lay eggs, have scaly skin and can even camouflage themselves to stay safe from hungry predators! The children were very excited to find out that they would be involved in a reptile incursion this week.  

Firstly, we boarded the big bus for an excursion around our local neighbourhood. The fire men and women at the fire station drove their fire truck out for the children to see; they even sprayed the bus with the fire hose!

Next, we returned to the College where the children met Steve, the reptile expert, and many of his reptile friends. We sang songs and learnt lots of interesting facts about the animals. The children had the opportunity to see, touch and even hold a frog, a turtle, lizards, snakes and a baby crocodile. Thankfully, the reptiles (and the children!) were on their best behaviour!

After a fun morning in the PECS building, the Prep children enjoyed a delicious lunch and played on the top oval. Then we walked back to the familiarity of our Prep building.

It was a special day for the classes and we enjoyed exploring the different areas of the College that the children will get to know in the coming years. However, it is safe to say that we will all stick to dogs and rabbits as pets for the time being.  

Mrs Elise Hona
Junior School Teacher - Prep Blue