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Recycling and Sponsorship

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The Junior School has supported a sponsored child through Compassion Australia for a number of years.

Our sponsor child is Jenny and she lives in a very poor area of Peru in South America.

We support Jenny by recycling our cans and bottles through the ‘Return and Earn’ system. Some students and teachers even bring their cans and plastic bottles from home. This is a great system – plastic bottles and cans are recycled into other products – not simply dumped into landfill as rubbish, and the money raised supports a child who doesn’t have the benefits of living that we have.

Earlier in the year, some students wrote to Jenny and younger students drew pictures for her. So, it was a lovely surprise to receive a letter back from Jenny recently. She appreciates our sponsorship and is going well at school. 

I have included her letter here for everyone to read. 

She has handwritten beautifully in Spanish, and then her writing has been translated into English.

If you would like to send a letter and Christmas greetings to Jenny, please come and see me in R3. I would love to send her a big bundle of Christmas wishes. Letters or drawings are most welcome.

Mrs Narelle Lawler
Learning Support (P – 6) Co-ordinator