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From the Principal

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From the Principal

Principal Ross Whelan
Mr Ross Whelan

For those of you who are sports followers and who watched the Rugby League Grand Find and perhaps the AFL over the weekend, it was very interesting to see now the winning team was able to play the ‘final game.’ 

The World Series Baseball is currently being played over 7 matches and there is a necessity to carry that ‘winning game’ through 7 games.  What does it take to win at the highest level?

Year 12 students can rightly feel that they are in the middle of the World Series or in the Grand Final right now, can’t they?  So much effort and energy to be at their best for the HSC, with nerves and challenges for 6 or 7 exams over 2 or 3 weeks.  The HSC is tough going and a big test for young people.  Early reports after the first week have been positive.

Testing ourselves out is natural.  We are generally motivated internally to try our best and depending on our natural gifts and talents, our best can and often will be excellent.  The learning journey includes important milestones and challenges.  We need to plan and practice for them in order to be at our best when they occur.

Students in the Senior School are currently undertaking final examinations for the year and teachers are moving towards the reporting period.  We have also confirmed that end of year events for Year 10 students and Year 6 students will proceed as planned in COVID regulated conditions. The 2020 Celebration Event for Junior and Senior School will occur as an online event and more information will be published in the coming weeks. 

In this week’s edition of The Way you will read news from our VET Student Programs, Year 9 Visual Arts, IPSSO Sport and Year 5 Drama.

We are very proud to announce that one of our Class of 2020 students, Michael Ruhs has been signed with the new A-League team, Macarthur FC.  Well done Michael.  You can also read more about this later in this edition. 

The half-road and carpark project on Flynn Avenue is progressing well.  You will have noticed the work if you have visited the new Uniform Shop under the Rawdon PEC. We are continuing to review areas for refurbishment and upgrades for our buildings around the College.  

It is pleasing to see the COVID-19 situation settling down with either very low or no community transmission over the last few days.  We continue to pray for a vaccine and are thankful that we have been protected here at the College. 

Thank you again for your continued support and encouragement of the College.

'Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.' Colossians 3:23-24 -