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From the Principal

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From the Principal

Principal Ross Whelan
Mr Ross Whelan

The end of term has come quickly and with the issues of COVID still impacting the nation, the vacation will be appreciated. 

Importantly, NSW measures have been working with minimal positive cases in the last few weeks.  Schools have been able to operate effectively given that the virus is not transferring among children, and even the large Sydney protest march, has had no transfer of the virus.  We have all appreciated the efforts of the NSW health authorities and decision makers. 

At the College, our health and social distance practices have improved.  A priority has been for staff gatherings and staff room measures and we need to complement all students, staff and parents for the manner in which the community has adapted to the measures required. 

It is not possible to say that the COVID virus has ceased and we will return in Term 3 with the current measures still in place.  Parent Teacher Nights will be conducted on ZOOM and while after College activities are fully underway there will still be impacts on programs and events.

This week we made the sad decision to cancel the 2020 South West Festival and as yet the College musical Peter Pan, is not in rehearsal.  Student assemblies are being conducted online and while we have achieved great things with the Thomas Hassall TV productions, it is different without a live audience. 

Thanks for your patience in regards to the traffic flow.  We have managed to streamline the most difficult time in the peak afternoon student exit time, and will continue to make the small changes required. 

We have learnt a lot during this time.  Improvements and innovations have occurred and will continue to be developed throughout the year. 

Thank you on your behalf, to teachers and support staff for their best efforts during this time.

Please enjoy the news in the articles that follow, and please enjoy the break. 

Psalm 34:8  - ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.’