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From the Principal

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From the Principal

Principal Ross Whelan
Mr Ross Whelan
Year 12 2018 will graduate next week. 

We hold a special graduation assembly with guests in attendance.  This year nearly 130 students will graduate and some 44 from Year 12 have attended the College since Kindergarten.  You will remember finishing your school years, often having made life-long friends and enjoying positive memories across the years.  The final year of school is an important milestone.  Young people are put to the academic test of the HSC with its stresses and strains, and the year also asks the question about the future.

Most of our Year 12 graduates will move on to university, TAFE and some straight into the workforce.  Our specialist teaching staff, Miss Munro, Mr Moynan and Mr Ward assist students with these questions about suitable pathways and recently we introduced a Careers Website for students in Senior School to also assist this critical decision about the next steps.  You might like to visit the site at

This week we hosted a Liverpool Council event regarding a rezoning proposal for the Middleton Grange Town Centre.  Approximately 500 neighbours and nearly residents attended to hear from the Council CEO and the developer associated with the application.  There is an exhibition period from 29 August to 26 October and the proposal can be seen on the Council’s website – or at the Carnes Hill Library at 600 Kurrajong Road, Carnes Hill.  As you might imagine a proposal to rezone is of interest to us all and you might the take time to investigate the application. 

At the meeting, there were a number of comments made in relation to traffic flow, buses, parking and speed of vehicles around the local roads. If you already drive to the College daily, you will be aware of these issues, and of the regular supervision by Council Rangers and Highway Patrol vehicles.  The comments are a reminder to us all to be very careful, to park legally and not in the driveways of our neighbours or on the grassed area of nature strips in narrow streets, and to be mindful of others as we drive.

It has been wonderful to see the new Rawdon Middleton VC Sports Complex in action with the MISA Volleyball Grand Finals held in our new venue just today.  Our Senior Boys and Senior Girls were playing William Carey and a crowd was in attendance.  The good news is that WE WON both games – our first competition matches in the new venue.  Well done team.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of faith… Hebrews 12:1,2a