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From the Principal

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From the Principal

Principal Ross Whelan
Mr Ross Whelan

It’s ‘all systems go’ at the College this week in preparation for the South West Festival this Saturday from 10am to 3pm and we know that our students are really looking forward to the day.

Thanks so much already for the effort that so many families are making in preparation.  A very energetic group of mothers have been tireless in their work for the hampers and Carmen Pasapera our Marketing & Community Relations Manager; Rebecca Clarke our Business Manager and their teams, and many staff are making every effort as the day approaches.

It’s a big week for year 12 students of Major Works as they prepare for Thursday night’s ‘Illuminate’ event, their major work show case.

Our Young Performers evening takes place also on Thursday this week and more than 100 students will be performing for parents and friends.  Thanks to the organising team of both events on Thursday.

Could I send a special thanks on behalf of the College, to the families who hosted students from our Japanese Sister School, the Takayama Junior High School. Reports back from students and families indicated an outstanding time for everyone.

Student photos are being taken this week and we know they will create positive memories for students and families.

The NASSA Athletics Carnival for Senior students occurs this week and we will be delighted to celebrate the best performances of students in our team.  NASSA is the group of Anglican schools we connect with to allow the best sports students to progress to the highest levels.

A reminder about the mid-term break next Monday when the College will close for the day following the Festival on Saturday.  Thanks for your consideration of this day.

Finally, we are looking forward to celebrating Father's Day with our annual breakfast next Friday week, 1 September, from 7am.  Already hundreds are booked in to come, and you will need to register online so that we might cater effectively.

Thanks so much for your continued support as the term progresses.

‘I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.

I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.’

Psalm 119: 15-16