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Police Visit

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Year 5 and 6 had a visit from the police!

Mary is a Police Youth Liaison Officer with Liverpool City Police Area Command. Her role is to work with youth and young people to engage them in a positive way. She deals with young offenders in the community and tries to prevent them from coming under police notice. Today she presented Stage 3 with a Cyber Safety talk. The main focus of this talk was to explain how to stay safe online and what some of the dangers are of being online. Year 5 and 6 were very interested and asked so many questions!

Here are some of the things that we learned:

Nathan: I learned how easy it is to hack people and it is illegal to swear at someone

Jasper: I learned that a lot of people who play games online are older. That the average age of a gamer online is 30… I thought it was 13!

Dante: I learned that the information that you post online never deletes.

Eleni: I learned about ‘ghost mode on snapchat and it’s a way to keep yourself safe while using the app.

Rylan: How easy it is to find out someone’s location.

Mrs Kate King
Assistant Stage 3 Coordinator