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Plenty of fun at the Prep - Year 2 Tabloid Carnivals

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It was a day of fun and sport for our Prep, Kinder, Year One and Year Two students.

The Prep - Year 2 Tabloids provided a fun day of athletic and skill-based activities that saw all students experience a variety of physical games.

Assisted by our Year 5 and 6 helpers, our younger students participated in a variety of activities on the new sports oval.  At the end of the carnival we had some running races, using the running lanes on the new oval.  

After all that fun we enjoyed lunch with our parents and friends on the concrete concourse outside the new sports stadium.

A big thank you to the parents who came along to support their children, some of whom participated in their very first sports carnival. 

Some special moments from our students:

Prep - "Prep loved doing the running races and tried really hard to run in a straight line."

Kinder - "We loved the running race the best"

            - "All the activities were fun"

            - "Hitting the ball under the bridge was the best fun"

1A –"We went to the sports carnival and our favourite events were the races, tug-of-war and soccer. We had so much fun!"

1B –  "The class enjoyed the running races and having their parents watch them. They loved the pizzas and cupcakes too."

1G-  "We love all the fun activities, the running races and the best was the pizza."

1R- "The tabloid games was super fun because we got to play very fun activities and get super tired."

1S- "We loved soccer because we were able to exercise, learn new skills and play with our friends."

2W – "We loved using the new oval and seeing the new auditorium. The best day ever!"

2R – "It was exciting to play different activities."

2D – "We loved the rotating activities and sharing recess time with our mums and dad. The pizza and cupcakes were delicious!"

2H – "It was so much fun, we had the best day playing with our friends and learning different skills."


Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator