It has come to our attention that some vehicles are being parked on nature strips and blocking driveways in our neighborhood. Unfortunately we have had numerous complaints from our neighbours of parents parking illegally. We kindly request that you refrain from parking in these areas when dropping off or picking up your children from College. Please be mindful of designated parking spaces and respect the property and access needs of those living nearby.
Parking illegally on footpaths or nature strips is a safety concern and can obstruct drivers' and pedestrians' access and lines of sight. Rule 197 of the Road Rules 2014 does not allow parking on a bicycle path, footpath, dividing strip or nature strip. To avoid a fine of up to $320 for illegal parking, please ensure your vehicle is kerbside on the street only. Please refer to the image below from Liverpool City Council of illegally parked and legally parked vehicles as well as other School zone offences.