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Opening of the Rawdon Middleton VC Sports Complex

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Official Opening of the Rawdon Middleton VC Sports Complex

It was a very special occasion for the College as the Governor of NSW, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret’d) attended to officially open Rawdon Middleton VC Sports Complex.

As this building is named after an Australian Military Hero Rawdon Middleton VC we also had a Senior Officer from the RAAF, Warrant Officer, Glenn Lyons in attendance as well as some representatives of both the Middleton, Hume and Hassall Families.  You can find out more about Rawdon and his story throughout the displays in the foyer of the building.  

The students from Years 4-12, Staff and College Parents were also a part of the celebration!

-- The Building --
The concept for a Physical Education Complex and Sports Field began back in 2013, construction commenced in March 2017 and completed in July 2018. The combined facility is the largest capital works project so far undertaken by the College and we are excited for the students and the broader community into the future as we use these great facilities.  

The building consists of:
Hall of Fame front entry
Sports Hall with a timber sprung floor for three basketball, two netball and one futsal court
Future Gymnastics apparatus and sports equipment storeroom
Change-rooms, toilets and showers
Servery, laundry and sports uniform storeroom
Upstairs staffroom, 4 x classrooms and viewing gallery