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Only 2 weeks until HPE Day

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Ever wondered what it is like to complete in a life size version of Hungry Hippos?

In just two weeks time on September 6, students will have the opportunity to do that and much more on National Health and Physical Education (HPE) Day. HPE Day is celebrated across Australia throughout schools and communities to inspire children and adolescents to be active.

At Thomas Hassall we want our students to live healthy lives beyond time at school and to develop lifelong healthy behaviours and attitudes. HPE Day is one avenue in which our students are encouraged to participate in physical activity beyond that of traditional sports and find the joy in it. Think activities like inflatable obstacle courses, oversized Twister, THAC pentathlon and a human version of Hungry Hippos.

Students will also be given the opportunity to support fundraising for Cerebral Palsy as a part of Steptember month on the day by giving a gold coin donation.

For more information on HPE Day Australia wide, head to