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One Team One Dream

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Year 11 started preparing for their Higher School Certificate in 2018, learning all about leadership and development.

The theme for this camp was ‘One Team - One Dream’ as students worked closely with their peers and teachers to prepare for the HSC through seminars on study skills, organisation and leadership. This camp was essential for equipping students with the tools to get through their Senior years.

Some Year 11 students received the role of Peer Support Leader for 2018. These leaders spent time at a neighbouring campsite with students from Year 7 to help them build new friendships and gain confidence for their life in Senior School. Students also took part in team building activities.

Overall the camp was a great time to build relationships and establish good habits for the Higher School Certificate.  Students came away from camp with a greater understanding of what is expected of them over the next 2 years.

A special thank you to all Staff, Seminar Leaders and Administration Staff who helped in making this camp successful.

Mr Howe & Miss Raft 
Year 11 Advisors