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NASSA Volleyball Gala Day

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On Friday the 3rd of June, students in Year 10-12 played in the NASSA volleyball tournament at Minto Indoor Sports Centre.

The boy’s team who was coached by Mr Shrack faced a very tough pool and although they played with a high level of skills and athleticism they unfortunately lost both their games, leaving them in 3rd place.

However, the girls team had a very successful day, they showed great teamwork and communication skills which resulted in them going undefeated in their own pool and then coming out on top and winning the grand finals for the second year in a row. This has been a great team for the last 3 years and have held their senior volleyball title for a while, we look forward to building our volleyball skills and entering into more tournaments.

Congratulations to the girls Talia A, Bianca C, Ally D, Annika G, Kate I, Stephanie J, Emilia M, Elianna P, Natasha S, Sofia T, Ashley V.

We wish the students in the 7-9 years volleyball team who will compete in their gala day on the 17th of June.


Miss Dayla Tikeri
Sports Administrator 
Sports Administrator