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MISA Players of Term 3

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I am very pleased to announce that the following students have been awarded and recognised at assembly as the Term 3 MISA Player of the Term. Their commitment and dedication to our College teams is much appreciated as they have played an integral role in shaping the culture of each team and leading them to success.

Soccer - Boys 7/8 B -  Andrew S

Soccer - Boys9/10 A - Adrian T

Soccer - Boys9/10 B - Samuel D

AFL Girls 10-12 - Lillian E

AFL Boys 10-12 - Joel C

Rugby League Boys U15s - Daniel H

Netball 7/8  A Christabelle K

Netball 7/8 B -  Ruby-May L

Netball 9/11 - Alexi S

Dance - Acacia R

Indoor Cricket - Alistair N

Mrs Irene Focas
Senior School Sports Co-ordinator