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From the Junior School Director of Teaching & Learning

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Schools are incredibly busy places in which there are so many opportunities to extend and enrich learning.

As we settle into the 2022 school year, we are always looking for ways to support your children in their learning endeavours.

Many, many students have enrolled in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to read high quality literature that will broaden their understanding of the world, all the while developing vocabulary and comprehension. Please encourage your children to go to the College library, or take up membership in your local library.

An opportunity for STEM learning – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – was taken up by one of our Year 2 students, Hannah L. Hannah enrolled in the Robogals Challenge that was promoted in an earlier edition of The Way.

Please read how she completed her first challenge – making a telescope.

“I used a pool noodle, 2 magnifying glasses (one big and one small), and some super glue. The first thing I did was measure how far apart the magnifying glasses needed to be so that an image was clear. They were 39cms apart. The next step was to stick the big magnifying glass on the end of the pool noodle tube. After that, with mum’s help, we cut a hole to put the other magnifying glass in, 30cms away from the first magnifying glass. We had to make sure it was clear, and looked ok, and it was!”

Ms Lisa Hansford
Junior School Director of Teaching and Learning