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From the Junior School Director of Teaching & Learning

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The Thomas Hassall staff was reminded on Tuesday about the promise of God’s unchanging nature – “I, the Lord, do not change” (Malachi 3:6). It helped us all as we prepare for a term that indicates many changes ahead.

As the Junior School staff prepare for our students returning to College, please be assured that we hold each of your children in our minds. We are working hard to ensure that effective instruction takes place in classrooms and online, all the while helping our students navigate a changing environment. We are working hard to plan tasks that will engage your children academically and emotionally. We are working hard to support your children as they finish their year of schooling.

One thing we do know is that Term 4 will look different from Term 3. Please be patient as we prepare for these differences, always knowing that your children are at the forefront of our plans. We will be letting you know more specific details on College return regarding operations and instruction closer to Week 3. Until then, we pray for the health of our College community.

For I am the Lord Image

Ms Lisa Hansford
Director of Teaching and Learning