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From the Junior School Director of Operations & Welfare

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From the Director of Operations & Wellbeing – Junior School

Mrs Kylie Singles
Director of Operations & Wellbeing – Junior School

In the Junior School we value positive partnerships with parents.

Partnering in Celebrating Learning

In the Junior School we value positive partnerships with parents.

We are pleased to announce that Assemblies are back on! Beginning on Friday 3rd June at 1:50pm, we extend a warm welcome to parents to attend these assemblies in S block. Please note the new time is different from previous years. 

Each week a different class will showcase their learning as part of the assembly time. Teachers will inform parents via SeeSaw communication two week prior to the class presenting their learning in assembly. From 1:20pm, parents are required to sign in through the Main Office before proceeding to S Block. 

Partnering with Student Safety

Safety is our priority as students arrive at and leave College each day. The new Kiss and Ride Zone on Southern Cross Avenue is working well; students are becoming more independent walking quickly to the gate in the mornings and listening for their names as they are called in the afternoons.

However, we do have some safety concerns that require attention.

Please partner with us to ensure student safety by:

  • Crossing the road at the top of Holden Avenue or at the pedestrian area near the roundabout and not through the Kiss and Ride Zone
  • Holding your child’s hand when crossing the road
  • Refraining from performing a u turn across double white lines or at the start of Holden Avenue

Partnering in Celebrating Our Community

The Mother’s Day breakfast was a wonderful celebration and it was encouraging to see so many mothers and grandmothers in attendance. On Friday 27 May we will be holding Grandparents’ Day. Grandparents are invited to visit the College for morning tea, to watch performances from the peripatetic groups offered at College, to visit classrooms to see their grandchild’s learning as well as to stop off at the Book Fair.

More details will follow. And of course, the whole community is invited to Movie Night that same evening .

We hope to see you at College very soon.