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From the Junior School Director of Operations and Welfare

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From the Director of Operations & Wellbeing – Junior School

Mrs Kylie Singles
Director of Operations & Wellbeing – Junior School

We have had a wonderful start to term in the Junior School.

Please note the following information.

K-2 Kiss and Drop Southern Cross Drive
The K-2 Kiss and Drop zone is an efficient way to drop and collect your children. In the afternoon, to assist the flow of traffic, please remain in your car as your child is brought to you. This pick up zone is for K-2 students only.

3-6 Parent pick up process
We kindly ask parents to wait outside Gate 16. At 2:34pm, the gate will unlock and parents make their way up the B block ramp to the amphitheatre, collect their children and walk down the stairs in between B and C blocks. Students will be waiting with their older sibling.

Arriving on College buses
Students arriving on College buses are required to walk quickly into College via Gate 12 and straight to R block. The teacher on duty will have bus lists and will note names of students who have arrived via the buses.

Friday Assemblies at 1:50pm
Parents are warmly invited to the K-2 and 3-6 assemblies held in S block hall. Please sign in via the College Office no earlier than 1:30pm and make your way to the S block hall.

Pick up during Senior School camp week
We kindly ask that you collect your children from the same dismissal point during Senior School camp week. It keeps it simpler for the children as we assist them with the dismissal routines.