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House Sport Challenge - Week 9 Update

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Some fantastic results were recorded in Week 9 of our House Sport Challenge.

LIDDELL house is now leading the College point score in the House Sport Challenge.

After results were calculated for Week 9, LIDDELL house has jumped into the lead, after some amazing performances in the House Sport Challenge.

To view the results and also submit your entries, visit the House Sport Challenge home page -

Remember, you can submit your best entry for all 7 challenges for your year group.  Make sure you include the video of you participating in the Challenge.

Junior School are also running a Class Challenge and currently 1D are leading the way, with students gaining valuable points in the Accumulation Challenge.  It has been lovely to see our Prep - Year 6 students walking or riding each day with their family, to earn points for their house.

Entries for the final week of this term have closed and results will be announced at College Assemblies Tomorrow.


Week 9 points

1st  -   Liddell - 957.92 points
2nd -   Lewis - 906.95 points
3rd -   Wilberforce - 902.82 points
4th-     Carmichael - 844.18 points

Mr Michael Fox and Mrs Sharon Evans
Sport Coordinators