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Healthy Habits in a Digital World - Wellbeing Matters Event

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A Wellbeing Matters Free Event to help families support the 'Digital Diet' of their children.

WEDNESDAY 15 AUGUST, 2019 at 7.30PM

Location: Thomas Hassall Anglican College

We are in a time of constant technological change, often fast paced, exciting and turbulent! There is, however, well-established concern about the digital habits of young people and the effect these have on their own self-image, relationships and mood – their wellbeing. 


Healthy Digital habits– what are they, how do parents establish them and establish boundaries?
What are some of the unhealthy habits we are seeing emerge around this issue?
If I purchase a phone for my child, when and which phone should I get?
How do we manage their time on devices?
What age is appropriate for my child to access social media?
How do I keep in touch with what they post? 

Come and hear from Dr Andrew Campbell a leading authority in the area of Cyber psychology and Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health. Dr Andrew Campbell has been researching and teaching in the area of e-Mental Health, for more than 15 years. He was the first psychologist in Australia to research and publish about the use of the Internet for social fearfulness/anxiety self-help.

Click here to RSVP for the event