As levels of anxiety increase in society, it is so important that as a College community we can support and lift one another up when struggles and trials come. I shared with the students, Proverbs 12:25 where it states “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad”. Earlier this year and last year I have previously shared with the students Proverbs 25:11 where is states, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver”. It is easy to acknowledge and mentally assent to such a suggestion that encouraging one another is a good thing and helps lift others up but just thinking it is a good idea is not the same as putting it into action. I strongly recommended for students to encourage one student this week with some kind words and to choose the timing of sharing those words wisely. In addition, I suggested to students to encourage one teacher this week as it would be a great way of serving the staff. Most staff rarely hear any type of positive feedback from students so it is a great way to lift them up in their work. In addition, I asked students to encourage their parents in their role as a parent. Teenagers can be reluctant to encourage their parents in what most would agree is the most challenging yet rewarding job on the planet!
Encouraging one another can transform and change the atmosphere of any family and community particularly when it is genuine. Our desire is for students to develop a habit of encouragement whilst they are at Thomas Hassall which extends to all relationships in their life including parents, siblings, friends and work colleagues.
South West Festival - Student Service
Students have the opportunity to give up some of their time to serve at the South West Festival. There are a number of jobs that need filling throughout the day. One hour of service will be attributed towards the Service and Leadership component of the SRS (Student Recognition Scheme). Students need to provide their names to one of their Year Advisors with the time they can help out. Times range between 9.00 – 4.00 pm. Students will be contacted closer to the day to confirm their respective roles and time of service.
Year 11 Final Examinations
Year 11 Final Examinations will begin on Monday 16 September and conclude on Thursday 26 September. Friday 27 September has been set aside for catch up examinations. Students who don’t have catch up examinations will not be required to come to College that day. The new Prefects for 2020 will be required to serve at the Year 12 Graduation ceremony and morning tea on that day. Year 11 students should receive their Final Examination Timetable and Study Guide on Friday of Week 4. Year 11 students can stay home to study on days when they don’t have an examination and can sign out of College each day after their examination. Parental permission will need to be provided for this to occur. Students who want to study at College when they do not have an examination, need to sign in at the IRC and wear full College uniform. Students should be studying now for their examinations if they want to maximise their results. They need to ensure they are using the effective study methods they have been taught over the years such as:
- Spot memory tests of syllabus dot points
- Completing practice examination questions
- Practising paragraph writing (relevant structure, topic sentences etc.)
- Re-writing notes into a condensed form
- Flash cards of key ideas for specific topics – used for testing themselves
- Self-testing (verbal recall or written recall without accessing notes or flash cards)
- Make an audio recording of notes and listen back
- Mind maps of key ideas for specific topics
- Lotus Diagrams or concept maps to create essay plans for specific topics
- Accessing Edrolo to revise topics
- Studying in groups and testing one another – in person or online
Studying the night before and reading over notes is not an effective study technique for preparing for examinations. It does not reinforce knowledge and understanding in long term memory which is essential for effective recall of information. Students need to begin studying now to build up their knowledge base in their long term memory so they can recall the correct information in examinations.
Illuminate’ is a showcase evening dedicated to celebrating the hard work and talent of our graduating Class of 2019 where teachers, family and friends can experience all the major works of students from Creative Arts, English, Drama, TAS & HSIE. You are invited to this evening of excellence on Thursday 5 September with the art display open from 6:45pm in the John Lambert Auditorium.
Uniform Reminder
A number of students are coming to College wearing their sports uniform all day. Students are required to bring their sports uniform to College to get changed into their sports uniform for PDHPE or PASS lessons. If you or your child is unsure of what is expected, please speak with your child’s respective PDHPE/PASS teacher or the PDHPE Coordinator, Mr Weir. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Please refer to pg 54 of the Parent and Student Handbook for more information on the Uniform Code.
Years 7-10 Parent Teacher Nights
Thank you to all the parents who turned up for Parent Teacher Interviews in the first two weeks of term. We value your time and commitment to your child’s education and hope the sessions were informative and encouraging. If you missed out on your interview on the night and would like an update on how your child is going, please ring the College or email your child’s respective teacher to arrange a time to chat over the phone.
Parent Portal changes
Within the Parent Portal, there is a number of new functions available for parents to improve the flow of communication between the College and Parents. Some of the new functions include:
- Viewing College notices each week about upcoming events
- Parents being able to grant permission for events (eg excursions) online. Please familiarise yourself with this function as we transition to parent online permission this term.
In addition, there are a number of instructions including screenshots of how to use the various Parent Portal functions. Please click on the link below that will take you to the instructions on how to access and use the Parent Portal.
Forms available on College website
There are a number of forms that you can access on the College website. Please click on the link below to access the following forms:
- Extended leave form
- Exemption application form
- Assessment Extension Application – Years 7-10
- Assessment Extension Application – Years 11-12
- Assessment Task – Misadventure/Illness Form – Years 11-12
Carpark - drop off and pick up reminders
There is a lot of congestion in the Flynn Avenue Carpark of a morning from 7.40 am onwards as well as during the afternoons pick up time. Please read below the drop off and pick up arrangements to assist in the improvement of the flow of traffic. More detailed information about transport related information can be found on our website by clicking on the link below.
Morning Drop off
- All cars using Flynn Avenue will access the College via Gate 3 only
- Cars may then turn left or right to either of the two 'set down and pick up zones'. You may be directed by a staff member to go left or right to help with the flow of traffic. Please fill up all the spaces in the drop off/pick up zones to maximise the number of students being dropped off.
- Cars will then exit through Gates 2 or 4
Afternoon Pick up Arrangements – Years 10-12 – Turn left only
- All cars using Flynn Avenue will access the College via Gate 3 only
- For students in Years 10-12, cars must turn left to the 'set down and pick up zone' in front of N Block.
- Cars will then exit through Gate 2 only
- Please note the carpark opens from 2:30pm only
Afternoon Pick Up Arrangements – Years 7-9 – Turn right only
- All cars using Flynn Avenue will access the College via Gate 3 only
- For students in Years 7-9, cars must turn right to the 'set down and pick up zone' in front of J Block.
- Cars will then exit through Gate 4 only
- Please note the carpark opens from 2:30pm only
Where your family spans multiple year groups, you should use the 'pick up zone' of the eldest child.
Staff will be available to assist with traffic flow and we ask that you follow their directions.
No Senior School students are to be picked up in the front of the Administration Building.
Lines of Communication
If you need to contact the College, we would encourage you to use the following lines of communication that will assist you in speaking with the right person to resolve any enquiry/concern you may have as quickly as possible.
I encourage parents to keep the College informed of anything that you feel may impact your child’s performance or behaviour at the College so that we can support and assist them.
“Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad”. Proverbs 12:25
Mr Hugh Renshaw
Acting Head of Senior School