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The Growth Challenge

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We wish to express our thanks to all the students and families for the enthusiasm and positive ways you have engaged with the Blended Online Learning Program.

The College has listened to the feedback of students, parents, and staff regarding the high levels of intense concentration and focus needed for remote learning. We understand that at times this has resulted in elevated levels of pressure for students, parents and staff. As the College has emphasised on many occasions, the wellbeing of all members of the College community is of the utmost importance.

This coming Thursday 2 September (Week 8), our Senior School students in Years 7-10 are invited to enjoy a change of pace and engage in The Growth Challenge. This is a special day that seeks to invite students and staff to have a break from the normal routines of Blended Learning Online. It is a day to refresh and recharge and connect with a broad range of wellbeing activities.

Student and families will make their way to this site The Growth Challenge and throughout the day select several of the activities. Many of the activities will also connect with the House program and contribute points. All activities have been carefully selected around key principles of wellbeing at this time. These are:

⇒ Be Connected

⇒ Be Active

⇒ Take Notice & Be Grateful

⇒ Keep Learning

⇒ Be Thoughtful & Kind

Click here for more information

I would also like to direct you to a useful resource provided by School TV which can be accessed via the link below. It is important in such times of uncertainty to instill hope and remain optimistic. Adult carers can play a vital role in helping young people reframe their worries, encouraging them to see life as it is and getting them to focus more on the things they can control, rather than those they can’t.

It is important young people remain connected with their social networks during these times as often their natural response to uncertainty is to exhibit varying degrees of fear and anxiety.

This Special Report outlines how adult carers can help instill hope and offer support in such times of uncertainty. We hope you take the time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report. Here is the link to the special report. If this report raises any concerns for you, or the wellbeing of your child, please be in touch with the College.

We sincerely hope enjoy The Growth Challenge!

Mr Stuart McCormack
Director of Student Wellbeing (Senior School)