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Grade of Origin - Week 2

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This week in Senior School we continued with week 2 of the "Grade of Origin" lunchtime sporting competition. This term, year groups will compete against each other to determine which year group are the champions at Thomas Hassall. Each year group will play Futsal, Basketball or Volleyball to determine the winners of the inaugural Grade of Origin Cup.  

This week students competed in Basketball. All games have been hotly contested and spectator emotions once again at fever pitch. The competition has been the talk of the College around Secondary School with students reflecting on performances of their year group and looking forward to upcoming fixtures.

Results For Basketball

Most Valuable Players of the Match:

Year 8 Boys: Patrick Wang
Year 7 Girls: Lucia Garrido
Year 10 Boys: Viet Toan Nguyen
Year 9 Girls: Ashleigh Kerr
Year 11 Girls: Mila Kalik
Year 12 Boys: Elijah Cruz

What the Students and Staff said:

  • “Apparently Michael Jordan missed over 1000 shots in his career. Year 7 looked like they did that today in one game.” - Patrick Wang Year 8’s Basketball referring to the big win
  • “We played so well today but Year 10 will just need to wait for what we bring in Volleyball next week”- Ashleigh Kerr and Eliana Sapone from year 9 reflecting on their win and the competition ahead
  • “I train alone behind closed doors so I can drop big three’s in front of thousands”- Elijah Cruz year 12 after scoring a number of half court 3 pointers
  • “It’s been a super competition, it has been more popular than we had ever imagined. It is great to see the Year 10 Boys finally get a win in Basketball and it is now shaping up to be a great competition in the senior years.” – Mr Fox Senior School Sport Coordinator


Mr Kent Weir
PDHPE Coordinator