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Furniture Donation

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With the recent upgrade of our buildings, we have had the opportunity to partner with schools in need overseas.

Today we were visited by Mr Randy Selvaratnam the General Manager of Swire Shipping. In a partnership with the College, a connection has been formed with Swire Shipping to facilitate the delivery of educational resources to schools in Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Tonga.

In our recent B and C blocks renovations at the College, the furniture received an upgrade and the old furniture was loaded onto shipping containers, and donated to Satapuala Primary School Samoa. In another project, 200 Chromebooks being replaced were also donated to schools in Papua New Guinea last year.

Our College Captains, Charlotte and Joshua, and Year 6 prefects, Caden, Rafael, Ava and Elizabeth, today had the opportunity to hear about the operation, learning that the furniture would be given to schools that currently have no tables or chairs, with students usually sit on the floor for the schooling day. 

We are very thankful for this partnership and look forward to continuing to be able to assist those schools in need. 
