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Free Parenting Courses

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Valuable free information sessions for families.

Supporting Anxious Children

Does your child seem worried or stressed?

Worrying is experienced in all children - it is a natural part of growing up. Most children learn to cope with worries and fear. In some children worrying can lead to anxiety and can affect their learning and development. In this session parents will learn ways to encourage their child’s resilience, confidence and promote a positive attitude.

Thursday 14 June 2018

9.00 - 11.00am

Bossley Park Public School

Marconi Road, Bossley Park

View the attachments for more information


Guiding the behaviour of young children 0-5 years

All children sometimes behave in ways that are challenging to parents. As they grow up, children learn what constitutes acceptable behaviour and how to control inappropriate behaviour. Research shows that brain development and social development are strongly linked. Providing safe nurturing relationships and experiences supports the growth of the child’s brain. If parents support their children in this important period.

Thursday 21 June 2018

6.45 - 8.45pm

Revesby Uniting Church

219 The River Road, Revesby

View the attachments for more information