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Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award Ceremony 2018

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A great occasion for all presented by His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret'd)

On Tuesday 29 May 2018 our first Gold Dukes Awardees to complete their Award whilst still attending the College were presented with their Gold certificates from The Duke of Edinburgh by the Governor of NSW at St Stephens Uniting Church in the City.  The auspicious occasion was followed by an afternoon reception with 90 other Gold Awardees, their parents and others at Government House.  Congratulations to Cameron Eggins, Chris Collins, Dom Stambe & Ali Dursun.

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award equips young people for life and work.  It empowers young people to achieve their personal best, take responsibility for goals and choices, connects them to their community by making positive contributions and encourages them to be involved; along with teaching other life skills such as perseverance and endurance.  

Mr Jim Ward was presented with a Long Service Medal for his contributions and involvement in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award for the past 40 years.  What a wonderful achievement!

Miss Niamh Friel was recognised as an incoming Award Leader.

Well done and congratulations to all for their fabulous achievements.