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From the Director of Operations & Wellbeing - Junior School

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From the Director of Operations & Wellbeing – Junior School

Mrs Kylie Singles
Director of Operations & Wellbeing – Junior School

At Thomas Hassall we value strong partnerships in learning and wellbeing with families across the College. We also value the relationship with our neighbours. Please partner with us in maintaining respectful relationships with all stakeholders when using the Junior School Kiss and Ride zones. The safety of the children is paramount.

Following these steps will also assist with traffic flow and maintaining a safe zone, especially in the K-2 Kiss and Ride zone;

• Please do not drop off children in or turn into our neighbour’s driveways

• Move up the kiss and ride zone behind the car in front, rather than stopping at the gate, to enable more cars to enter

• Drive forward into a space rather than reversing into the zone to help the flow of traffic

• Do not walk through the kiss and ride zone as it is very dangerous. Always use the footpath

Recently the council provided the College posters for the Kiss and Ride zones to reinforce the rules for all. These are mounted on the fence line on Southern Cross Avenue. They also provided digital signs to share with our community. We kindly ask you familiarise yourself with the following information.

School zones